


When adding Programmes, you can adjust the settings in several ways -

  • Group type - invitation only/open to all
  • Approval of who can be a mentor/mentee - You would have to approve users applying to be either mentor/mentee
  • Matching preference - self select/admin led - Will you be matching users as an admin, or will users be selecting their own?
  • Mentor limit per mentee - How many mentors a mentee is permitted at any one time
  • Allowed meeting durations - 15 mins, 30 mins, 1 hr etc
  • Allowed meeting types - Video call, face to face, phone call etc
  • Do mentoring requests expire? - If this is disabled, when a user is requesting a mentor/mentee and they do not respond, the request will not expire. If expiry is set, after no response the request will expire after 10 days.
  • Lock Mentoring/Coaching Type? - If this is enabled, once a user joins as either mentor or mentee, they will not be able to adjust their role themselves.

You can enable and disable relationship length and meeting frequency options at program level. When creating or amending a program, you have the option to enable or disable any relationship lengths and meeting frequencies you wish to. 

So, in cases where you wish for participants to choose their own mentor, mentee, coach, coachee, etc. but only want them to do so for set timeframes, you can ensure this with relationship length and meeting frequency enablement.

Adding in custom matching rules - Self Select matching -

If you’ve added any additional data capture fields (situated within ‘Configuration’) you will see a light-orange box where you can add custom matching rules. 

These can apply to any data you are capturing (such as job level or seniority) to ensure you’re only showing suggested matches to the right participants. 

An example of this would be if you didn't want users to be matched within the same department, or in Reverse Mentoring programmes you will be able to adjust the rules so recommended matches are following the structure of reverse mentoring (ie. senior leaders being matched with lower level staff).