Updating your Profile

Updating your Profile


Every user has their own profile page.

Below you can see what your profile looks like to other users.

When logged in and viewing your profile page, on the right, is an edit profile button. 

Here you can amend your name, profile picture, city, job title, company and industry.

You can also edit and amend the section on the left, which includes the ability to link your social media profiles into your PushFar profile, such as your Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

You can add in anything about yourself, and your professional experience.

On the right hand side is your points log and total.

You get points for interaction and engagement within the platform and your relationships.

Please note - this feature may have been disabled/adjusted by your company administrator.

Mentoring preferences 

You can see your preferences and edit these on your profile, in the middle section. People viewing your profile will be able to see these also.

When pressing ‘click here’ - you will be taken to the editing screen to update your preferences, as below.

This will show your mentoring groups you are enrolled with, and also your mentoring type for this group, you can choose whether you would like to be both mentor and mentee, or just mentor, or just mentee! You would have filled this out on registration, but you can amend this at any time once you are set up. 

If you are already a member of a mentoring programme, it will show here with a ticked box, as above, and you can alter your preferences for each.

The next screen will ask you about your experience, and how you can help others when being a mentor, including how you would like to mentor (in person/virtually) and how many people you can mentor.

The questions then get flipped round in the reverse for the ‘being mentored’ section. These questions are important as they will help pair you with a suitable match, there is also the option at Admin level to customise the questions.