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Registration Data Capture

Registration Data Capture


The section ‘Registration Data Capture’ is where you can update your user registration questions. 

You can add/change these for each programme.

You can choose to ask Mentors, Mentees or both any question you like, this can be open text field, multiple choice, single choice selection and there is also an option to upload a file. You can select this under 'Field Type'.

You can also adjust the settings on whether you want the field to be searchable by users or admins. Open Text Fields can be hidden from users and viewable only by admins on the dashboard - When a field is hidden it won't be visible by employees and they can't search it and it will only be persisted through SSO.

It will appear in the Advanced Search filter if "Is field searchable by admins" is "Yes".

Currently, we only support ‘Open Text Field’ type to be hidden as the other types cannot be updated using SSO at this moment.

Some things to note if you are amending or adding custom registration questions AFTER your users have joined the platform -

- Adding a new question - if you add a new question, users already registered on the platform will have to go into their profile, and edit their profile to then see the question and be able to answer it.
- Deleting a question already added - if you delete a question, users won't be able to see the question or their answer to it, however, within the admin panel, it will keep their answers to the question, but remove the question (it will show as N/A). 

- Editing a question already added and answered by users - if you edit a question, it will keep the users answer but edit the question.