Managing Participants

Managing Participants


You can view a list of all registered participants, with a number of filters (such as those in a specific group) by going to ‘Participants’ > ‘View All Participants’ in the admin panel.

Within this view, you can export all participants by clicking ‘Export’ in the top right-hand corner. You can also view or edit any individual’s profile by clicking ‘View/Edit Profile’ in the bottom left-hand corner of the participant.
There is no time limit that someone needs to accept an invite to the platform.

You can also terminate or unlink a participant here. 
Terminating a member’s account will close their account and permanently delete all data relating to that individual. 

This is irreversible. This also can take up to 48 hours to fully complete. 

If you would like to re add the user, you would need to go through the registration process again as a new user.

Unlinking a member’s account will mean that they are no longer part of your organisation but be transferred across to our open mentoring network.
You will no longer be able to manage a user if you unlink them. 
If you have removed them from your organisation, and they are in the open network but do not want to be, please get in touch with us at - we will then be able to remove their details for you.

To set an individual as an administrator -

Under their ‘Role’ (by default set to ‘Not assigned’) you can select ‘Administrator’. This will give them access to login to the admin panel. You may see other roles defined within the admin panel, such as Manager. 

By default, all roles are set to ‘Administrator’, so anybody you wish not to have administrator access should be left on ‘Not assigned’.

Users can change their password by clicking on 'Forgot Password' on the log in page, once logged in, they can also change their own email address. If you require these to be amended, we can action this for you also.

Removing Users from a Programme

If you have a user in the wrong programme, you can pause their mentoring within this programme through the Admin Panel.

Clicking on 'All Participants' and finding the user in the incorrect programme, if you click 'View/Edit Details', you can see the users details and Mentoring Preferences for each group they are part of.

Scrolling down, under Mentoring Preferences, you will see tick boxes next to the groups this user is part of -

Selecting the group will make the title orange, and you will be able to see the details of their preferences, including if they are mentor, mentee or both, alongside the details of 'Describe your experience and what you'd like to help mentees with', 'Preferred Mentoring Type', 'Maximum number of mentees' and the selected matching categories. 

On the bottom left hand side is the Pause Mentoring button, if you select this option for the user, it will stop their mentoring within this programme. Once you select to pause, they will be removed from the programme and you will see the message below - 

You can re enable their mentoring by selecting one of the three options below for the same programme, their mentoring preference details will be saved from before the pause. 

Once you have selected one of the three below, and hit save, their mentoring will be enabled again.

Manage Administrators

We now have a new administration management panel where you can add and amend administrative permissions at overall and group level.

Within a super-admin menu, here you can add additional participants as administrators and also include both 'Read' and 'Read and Edit' permissions for an administrator at group level. 

This means that administrators don't have access to all groups and programs you are running - only the ones assigned to them. All previously set administrators have been migrated over to Super Administrator privileges in the new release.

Note - all admins can see participant data - the different roles do not limit this. 

The admin permissions we have are as follows: -

Super-Admin - Can view all participants, edit participant data, create and edit all mentoring programs.

Program-Level Admin - Can view all participants, edit participant data, edit programs they are assigned to and view reports of programs they are assigned to.

Program-Level Reporting - Can view all participants and view reports of mentoring programs they are assigned to.